Our favorite Pumpkin Cream Cheese Danish recipe is finished in under 30 minutes! Enjoy a mini Danish for breakfast or brunch- perfect for parties and dessert too! Every year...
Treat your pup with this single serving dog cupcake! No need to get out the mixer for this 1 bowl, 5 ingredient recipe. Do you celebrate your dog’s birthday...
These Peanut Butter and Jelly Crunch Cups are the perfect after-school or weekend treat. The crispy rice cereal sets these treats apart! Our children have completed the longest Spring...
Fluffy, rich, Whipped Blueberry Goat Cheese is served on crusty baguette slices in this simple appetizer. You can whip up this impressive, savory/sweet dip in 15 minutes or less!...
Instructions for how to fix freezer jam that didn’t thicken using liquid fruit pectin. Sometimes homemade freezer jam can be too runny. If your homemade jam turned out more...
Classic Strawberry Freezer Jam is bright red and bursting with fresh strawberry flavor. It is irresistible on toast or a warm dinner roll! Freezer Jam is a perfect recipe...
This No-Chill cookie recipe makes 8 XL Bakery Style Chocolate Chip Cookies. You’re only minutes away from giant soft chocolate chip cookies! Like any teen of the 90’s, I...
Make this easy Strawberry Bubble Tea at home in just a few simple steps. It’s perfect for summertime, or anytime you want a refreshing, fruity drink. I’ve partnered with...
Discover the recipe for Eleven Madison Park’s famous granola, known for its unique combination of ingredients and irresistible flavor. Perfect for breakfast or a healthy snack, this granola will...
Ugly Christmas Sweater Sugar Cookie Bars are the quickest way to make soft frosted sugar cookies for a crowd. No chilling, no cutting, no mess! If you know me...
These festive Reindeer Pretzels will be the cutest treat on your holiday cookie tray. They’re sweet and salty and they come together in under 20 minutes. We’ve made these...