A 5k Challenge, Tie Dyed Treats, and The Color Run
I’ve shared with you all a little bit of my running journey before. It started in February and to be perfectly honest it was pretty ugly. Elderly men wearing silver swishy pants and Walkmans were passing me by on the track. I wish I were making that up. The good news is that since February I have completed two 5k races! I’m not normally a very proud person but I am totally proud of myself for sticking with my training and reaping the benefits. I have truly found a sport I love and **BONUS** it allows me to eat more cookies.
I am not surprised that my previous running update included an over-the-top recipe for rainbow chocolate chip cookies. It only makes sense for this post to be colorful as well, but these Tie Dyed Rice Krispie Treats are colorful for a purpose. (I’ll tell you more about how to make them in a later post. I promise!) My most recent 5k was The Color Run in Cleveland, Ohio. Runners start the race dressed in white and are blasted with a different color at each kilometer. The end is a big color festival; it is the happiest 5k on the planet!!
Of course I found a race where I can come out looking like a rainbow. Did you expect any less of me? Running is fun. Running is my time. Running is where I’ve found a wonderful, accepting community. In fact not too long ago a group of food bloggers started joking around about how we look like a hot mess after our runs. We soon dubbed ourselves the Red Faced Runners {with the mantra Eat, Run, Eat!} and we started to keep each other accountable. We have everyone from a fearless leader who is Super Marathon Woman, to ladies like myself who are happy to still be upright after running 3 miles, and everything in between. In fact we think we are pretty WONDERFUL, don’t you?
The Red Faced Runners! |
Are you still with me? I hope you are because here’s the FUN part! We all live in different parts of the country but we will be running together over Labor Day weekend. We want to challenge YOU to join us! Here’s what I want you to do- find a 5k race to run/walk/jog in your hometown on the weekend of September 8th so that we are all running together virtually. I would be so honored if you decide to do this with us.
Maybe you used to run but life has gotten too busy.
Maybe you have some 5k races completed and are looking for your next challenge.
Maybe you have always wanted to complete a 5k (that’s just over 3 miles) but have never been motivated enough to get started.
Maybe you’re scared or even unsure how to tackle such a thing as training for a race.
I can assure you that I literally went from “couch to 5k” in under 12 weeks. It wasn’t pretty and it wasn’t easy. I can’t even say that every run was fun (some of them were though!). I can tell you that I loved crossing that finish line. YOU CAN TOO!!!
Do you want more? Head over to Cookin’ Canuck for a 5k training program from our coach, Cindy. Her words will motivate the seat right off of you! She is a certified running coach with the Road Runner’s Club of America. Here are some of her bullet points- head over to Cookin’ Canuck for her full running post.
1. Believe in the run.
2. Believe in the rest.
3. Respect must rule all.
4. Your body is your temple.
5. Your kitchen is your place of worship.
6. Equip yourself.
7. You run. You don’t jog.
8. Get after it.
9. Spread the love.
10. Have the time of your life!
You’re also going to want to stop by these wonderful blogs today and read the stories of all the Red Faced Runners. Be prepared to be inspired!
Once Upon a Loaf
She Wears Many Hats
Dine & Dish
Bake at 350
Recipe Girl
In Katrina’s Kitchen {You’re Here!}
Add a Pinch
All Day I Dream About Food
Budget Gourmet Mom
I Wash…You Dry
Cookin’ Canuck
Please leave me a note in the comments section if you are thinking about joining us!! I would also love to hear from you along this journey, so be in touch. Feel free to email me at inkatrinaskitchen [at] yahoo [dot] com. My hope is to feature some of your stories (with your permission) in a wrap up post after our race in September.
Gather your friends to join you. Getting your Red Face on is WAY more fun when you have others to share your ups and downs with. If you are on Twitter follow along and tweet with us using the hashtag #RFR5K
43 Comments on “A 5k Challenge, Tie Dyed Treats, and The Color Run”
I'm totally in!! woot woot! Also– this rainbow race looks awesome 🙂
Loving the fact that you get a fun souvenir t-shirt at the end of the race–or does the paint wash out? I guess you would want it to wash out of some things and not others. I have a friend who I have started running with and having someone else challenge you sure makes all the difference! Love the socks!
My recent post Fancy Grilled Cheese, Part I
I am hoping to be able to join you too! I've just started running and this is the perfect thing to keep me going!
How fun! I am SO in with you ladies!
My recent post Cocktail Week: Traverse City Cherry Mojito
Too fun! Good for you for such serious training, that's wonderful! 2 months ago I started training for the Marine Core Marathon in DC; I'm super excited! My friend and I are using the Galloway method…and I am *definitely* a red-faced runner. I'm pretty sure I scare people while I run with my haggard appearance!
I'm sad I missed the Atlanta Color Run..next year!
My recent post Chocolate Peanut Butter Ugly Cake
That's the beauty of running…you just start. You start slow. It's ugly. It gets better…I'm living proof. My husband could seriously probably walk beside me sometimes I'm *that* slow. But I'm getting faster and stronger every week! By no means am I *fit* but that's going to change 😉 xoxo- Love ya! ♥
We found them on amazon. I think Kristen (dineanddish.net) has a link in her post 🙂
Lynn- I am sitting here in tears as I read your comment. Please please please keep in contact. I can't wait to hear how it goes. And I want to see pictures!!! Way to go for making this decision. You are going to have a BLAST at the color run!
Sweet! I want to see pictures!!!
I am very inspired by you all! Thank you for stopping by here. I hope you do find joy in running- at least a little bit. I could NEVER EVER run a marathon! Wow! Did you follow the link to The Color Run? I bet they come to a city near you- they travel all over the country.
SOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!!!!!!!!!!! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! SO when are you coming over?!
It always takes me about 1 year…or 2 to get motivated again after having a baby
Yes- let's judge people 😉
I know there are some in your area- just keep your ears open for next summer!
Thanks for stopping by, Averie- that would be great if you join in!
Thanks, Cassie! I'm excited to meet up with you this weekend!!! 🙂
Thanks Dara! You inspire me!!! I hope we can run together someday 🙂
That would be Awesome! I know how crazy things are for you right now though.
I think I want to do a Turkey Trot this year too 🙂 Fun!! High schoolers who run are so speedy they exhaust me just watching them!
You are a RUNNER!! ♥
YES!! I'm SO glad you are joining in! Keep in touch with us- you have support here!
Thanks!! 🙂 Yes the capes are super-awesome!
We're signed up for the NYC Color Run and the Richmond, VA Color Run (August and September respectively) – cannot wait!
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I love this post, Katrina, and I am feeling very inspired. I have never considered myself to be a runner, but my husband runs marathons, and he has always been trying to get me to start. If I could find a 5k where I finished looking like a rainbow, I could be convinced. Now, I just need to do something about these 105 degree temps!
My recent post Blue Cheese and Walnut Biscuits with Bacon Date Jam
Look at you pretty (and colorful!) girl. I'm so proud of you and your training. I wish I could run. I'm so not physically fit.
Where can we buy the socks.
I signed up for The Color Run in Milwaukee on August 24th. I am in my 50's and this will be my first ever, 5k anything! My daughter and daughter-in-law pleaded with me to sign up, who doesn't want to look like a rainbow! I was trying to talk myself out of doing this whole thing until I came across the Red Faced Runners! I might be able to do this! I have already bought the shoes,( and I have been looking at them for 3 days.) and I have your outline to follow, but what makes me feel like I might have a chance is your words of encouragement! Thank you and I will let you know how things go….. I'm going to bring the tie-dyed rice krispie treats, they will be a big hit~
Way to go! Running is so hard in the summer with my son home all day! What a great thing to get so many people together and active!
Okay, okay.
My recent post Congratulations on Your New Home
LOVE this! Have fun ladies!
My recent post Lemon Lime Tart with Strawberries
How fun!! i want to do a 5k where I come out looking like a rainbow! I used to run 5k's… but have not run much since having my 3rd baby 9 mo's ok…. I totally need to some inspiration to get back into it! My blogger butt will thank me!
My recent post Raspberry Thyme Tom Collins ~Cocktail Week~
I still love the idea of that colour run, I may have to find one near me!
My recent post Red Faced Runners 5k Challenge
I love running races but I don't think that weekend is going to work for me…it might though. Would love to run with you all, in spirit! I am going to look over my calendar now…
My recent post Mango and Sour Cream Muffins with Streusel Topping
I just love the pictures of you running the Color Run. It looks like so much fun! I'm so glad to be doing this challenge with you, Katrina!
My recent post How to: Train for a 5k Run, Plus Red Faced Runners 5k Challenge
oooh, awesome! I'll have to see if I can work out childcare so I can run!
My recent post Chewy M&M Sugar Cookies
I might just have to run with you! You're such a great person and so fun! I was there for the Color Run and I'll be there for others!! We can judge the silver swishy pants runners as they pass us!
I love your "Color Run" Rice Krispie Treats!!! So cute! And, more than that, I've loved getting to know you better through running. Did I just type that? I run?!? Weird.
My recent post Whole-Wheat, Whole-Grain Morning Monster Cookies and an Invitation!
Katrina, I am so in!!! This is exactly what I needed to get re-motivated to tackle my, ahem…buns. As a baker, I HAVE to quality check everything, right, and in the process have over-indulged, just a little. I have always thought I had a runner inside of me and daydream of one day saying "I am a runner". Now is my time. I am heading over to Cookin' Canuck right now to get more inspiration.
Thank you.
I'm so proud of you! And seriously I'm still in love with the capes on those socks lol. Good luck to all of you!
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Angie- Get on this!! That's what this post is about! I'm not a runner. Or I wasn't 🙂 But seriously my husband can probably walk along side of me while I run…I'm slooooow! But I'm getting it done AND YOU CAN TOO!! Get a Couch to 5k app on your phone. 😉
I would so love to do this, but I am 80% sure I will never be able to run a 5k. I kinda want to try, but I'm so not a runner. Decisions decisions.
This is SO great. Love this group and can't wait to follow along!
Yay!!! Congratulations, Katrina!! Oh my gosh, that Color Run sounds like SO much fun!! I've never really been into running, but did complete my first 5k in a Turkey Trot a few Thanksgivings ago. Recently, I've picked up exercising/running again and now I'm addicted. It's funny how that happens. I think it also might be because I have two kids who run track and cross country in high school (and are actually out running at practice as we speak).