Jelly Bean Cookies from @KatrinasKitchen at

Easy there Mr. Bunny! Okay, you are going to have to trust me on this one- these are tasty! In my last post I mentioned that I had extra dough leftover. Well, I also had extra jelly beans and I knew that if I let the jelly beans hang around Four Year Old Foodie would pester ask me for a handful every 20 minutes.

So was born The Jelly Bean Cookie!

Jelly Bean Cookies from @KatrinasKitchen at

Isn’t it festive? And it really couldn’t be easier! It’s as simple as making your favorite chocolate chip cookie dough and swapping jelly beans for the chocolate chips. You can get the recipe I used from my Easter Egg Hunt Cookies.

If you are making these I suggest using my cookie recipe (linked above). It uses shortening instead of butter which helps the cookies keep their shape. Also, my dough was chilled (about 20 minutes).

The result is a fruity, chewy cookie that is pretty to look at. Four Year Old Foodie was excited to show Daddy when he got home from work and my husband gave me a look that said, “I don’t like jelly beans.” But when I woke up the next morning guess what I found in the sink…an empty cookie jar. Success? Yes!

Jelly Bean Cookies from @KatrinasKitchen at