Welcome-I’m so glad you’re here! As you can tell things look quite a bit different around here. In Katrina’s Kitchen just went through a blog overhaul and Blogger-to-WordPress migration thanks to the very talented Lindsay Landis (of Love and Olive Oil / Purr Design). I’m really excited to share this space with you and to offer you a blog that is a bit more user-friendly and easier to navigate. Let me show you around!

I’m kind of in love with my new sparkly header:

Introducing the NEW www.inkatrinaskitchen.com


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IKK Browse all recipes


Or browse all posts by category (Looking for frosting? Or cookies? Or giveaways?):

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Search for recipes that use caramel or chocolate chips, etc:

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I would love to connect with you!

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Thanks for stopping by today and always! I’ll bring something sweet next time.