{Diet} Coke Cake Bites from @KatrinasKitchen

You’ve heard of Coke Cake, right? Well, I happen to be know A LOT of people who are Diet Coke addicts. Forever ago when I was in high school my super-cool boyfriend drank Diet Coke and I think that was actually the first time I remember having it. Well now that super-cool guy is my husband and we still enjoy a couple of Diet Cokes every once in a while. I actually prefer it over regular Coca-Cola. Still, I mostly throw back water, but every girl has a few guilty pleasures, right?

{Diet} Coke Cake Bites from @KatrinasKitchen

You can make this recipe as it is posted on the Coca-Cola website or simply sub in Diet Coke. I made a few more substitutions because today I am the guest blogger on All Day I Dream About Food. If you know Carolyn’s site you can imagine my panic when she asked me to guest post for her. You see, Carolyn is very talented at making delicious, mouth-watering food that is low carb and gluten free. I am… not.

I mean one glance at my blog and you can see that Carolyn and I are an odd pair. However she has become one of my very best blogging buddies. We are forever emailing each other about one thing or the other. Hopefully I didn’t do too badly over there today. And I portioned the cakes into tiny bite-sized pieces. Surely that has to count for something, right?

{Diet} Coke Cake Bites from @KatrinasKitchen

Come join me at All Day I Dream About Food if you want in on these little beauties. Oh, and you know something else that is cool? Carolyn just announced that she is a soon-to-be-published AUTHOR! That’s right! Seriously, if I were not already nervous enough, she had to announce this amazing news right before she let me take over her blog for a day. This little baby blogger is nervous! Please come by and tell me that everything is going to be okay?!?! 😉