Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookie Sandwich Cookies @KatrinasKitchen

Something about this recipe inspires me. Chocolate chip cookies AND Oreos? Hello!  When my husband came home from work and bit into one of these he said, “Brilliant!” I consider that a success.

How can you go wrong with any recipe that begins with 2 sticks of butter?

Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookie Sandwich Cookies @KatrinasKitchen

Then you pretty much make chocolate chip cookies.

Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookie Sandwich Cookies @KatrinasKitchen

After some experimenting I found that my medium size cookie scoop worked best.  It’s about 2TBS.

Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookie Sandwich Cookies @KatrinasKitchen

Chocolate chip cookie…..Oreo….chocolate chip cookie.  Mmm.

Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookie Sandwich Cookies @KatrinasKitchen

Smoosh. Show the cookie who’s boss here. If the batter sticks to your hands set the bowl in the refrigerator while you lick the beaters clean up the kitchen. Just about 10 minutes will do. Be sure to have dry hands – even a little flour on your hands would help.<

Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookie Sandwich Cookies @KatrinasKitchen

You will end up with big blobs of cookies.  Yes, blobs.

Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookie Sandwich Cookies @KatrinasKitchen

Let’s face it.  These cookies aren’t going to win a beauty contest.

Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookie Sandwich Cookies @KatrinasKitchen

But mom always said it’s what’s on the inside that counts!

Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookie Sandwich Cookies @KatrinasKitchen

Please visit the very talented Jenny of Picky Palate for her recipe- I didn’t make any changes.

Chocolate Chip Oreo Cookie Sandwich

Source: Picky Palate
Makes about 2 dozen VERY LARGE cookies